This week Miss Caedance is the size of 4 navel oranges. And let me tell you I believe it. She is one active little girl. She is starting to not only keep me awake at night, but when I do finally go to sleep she wakes me up. I guess she's just preparing me =) According to my pregnancy app she is not only gaining weight, but putting on fat! That is extremely exciting to me. I LOVE fat babies, and yet I've never had a fat baby before. I love the ones that have the sumo wrestler look. You know where you can't see where the wrists and arms begin or end. We generally have long skinny babies. There is nothing wrong with them either, but a girl can hope for a little chunk.
I did go to the Doctor last week. The previous appointment she asked me if I felt as though my shots were helping. I didn't quite know how to answer that. How would I know if they were doing their job? She said that some women notice fewer Braxton Hicks. I wish this was the case for me. I don't have a ton of them, but they do happen about 3-4 times throughout the day. And of course they always go right over the fibroid cyst I have. That is super uncomfortable. Because Chris was leaving for Colorado she went ahead and checked for dilation. I have started dilating, but am only at 1cm right now. She said this did not concern her. There was no other signs of progress, so we'll see how I am at my next appointment (which is next week). She was so calm about this that I didn't feel like I needed to worry. And at this time last pregnancy I was already dilated to a 3. So, I'm clinging to that lack of progress =) The only disappointing thing that she said no to was we had thought about going to the beach with Chris' family next week. She was not to excited about this since I would only be a week or so away from when I had Aby. I was bummed, but did think about how uncomfortable the long drive to South Padre would actually be. So, we'll just plan on doing that next year.
This pregnancy has actually been neat because I know so many women who are pregnant too. There are 5 women on my street that will have fall babies. It's been neat to have a look into other pregnancies and how similar and different we all are.
Here I am with my close friend, Angela. She just had her sweet baby H yesterday. She of course is one beautiful little girl. I cannot wait to meet and hold her. I have to say that there has never been a time that I have been more jealous of Angela then right this second. =) This is definitely a catch 22. This is the last time I'll get to experience the lovely parts of being pregnant, but at the same time I am ready to be finished. If anything the delivery of baby H makes me realize that I really don't have that much longer. This is very exciting and "scary" at the same time.
Despite the heat I'm feeling pretty good. This past weekend I put some loose ends of the nursery together and gathered a few more things that we were needing to complete our baby stash. I feel good about where we are, we are more than prepared. I just have bags to pack. And it may sound neurotic since I still have at least 7 weeks left til I'm full term, but I do that early so I'm not caught off guard. With Aby I wasn't prepared for a week long stay in the hospital, and I swore to never have that issue again. I've also felt the need to have everything set up and ready so I have nothing to worry about and can focus on moving into fall activities (such as school starting) and just hanging out with my 2 big girls!!!
I'm so glad that this pregnancy is going well for you! I completely understand the feeling of having to have everything in order. I am "nesty" by nature, so during my pregnancies I go a little mental. ;-) I look forward to meeting little Caedance, but I'm so glad that she's hanging out in there to cook a bit longer!