Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Miss Merry Mac!!!

I have several new blogs to write, and they mostly will be about the happenings in Aby's life right now. So, I decided I would share a little about Mac. It's been really neat to have her all to myself. She has not had the opportunity to have me all to herself. And it's been nice to get to know just McKinley. Our days consist of a lot of book reading, and pushing strollers around. It's also been nice here recently for her to get to hang out with a few little friends as well. She also has blossomed in her talking. I knew she could talk, but I am really convinced she didn't have a chance, or she felt she didn't need to. Aby is really good at taking care of Mac's needs. But now she HAS to talk to me when it's just us. Therefore, her vocabulary has increased tremendously since Aby started school. It's like she woke up the next morning talking in complete sentences. So, that's nice too. She is in the beginning's of my favorite stage. I know toddlers are hard sometimes, but this is when I really start enjoying children. When they are just starting to be independent, and really excited about life and learning new things. Here are a few pictures of my Merry Mac from the last few months.

McKinley has really observed how her Nana drinks her drink. Her Nana wraps her cup in a napkin!

Here she is with one of her favorite activities.

Nothing like a picnic in the living room while watching Mickey Mouse!

Besides her stroller packed with her goodies, these are her most prized possession.

We spend time together in the mornings putting on makeup and fixing our hair

When we first found out that we were having another girl I was a little nervous. I didn't have a sister, so I don't know how that relationship even works. But now I couldn't imagine our lives any other way. We are truly blessed!!

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